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Discover the tall varieties, Persian fritillaries "Persica" in white or black; the famous Imperial fritillaries "Fritillaria Imperialis" with yellow or orange crown-like flowers and beautiful variegated green and white or golden foliage; the lovely " Imperialis raddeana" with its large cream-white bells. Elegant and majestic, they look stunning in flower beds, on their own or among your tulips. You will also find the mixed colours or all white "pintade fritillaries" or "pintade fritillaries", as they are commonly known. Plant your bulbs upon receipt, as fritillaries are delicate. Plant them in a sunny spot, 10 cm (4in) deep, in well-drained soil, spaced 25 cm (10in) apart. The meleagris varieties prefer a bright exposure and moist soil. Plant them 10 cm (4in) deep, spaced about 7 cm (3in) apart in groups of 5 or 10. Fritillaries are repellent to rodents and moles, keeping them away from bulb flower beds. This is likely why they traditionally crown the bulb flower beds of our castles and are so frequently found in Flemish paintings! 

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