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Cornus or Dogwoods are very decorative shrubs in spring with a dazzling bloom of flowers in flat umbels or in globular clusters. They can reach a height of 15m (49ft) and have green leaves that turn vibrant colors in autumn. The White Dogwood or Cornus alba has leaves speckled with white, yellow or pink and brightly colored branches. The fruits (dogberries) of some species are edible and can be used in jams, jellies or syrup. The hardy Cornus plants are planted in rich, moist, well-drained, acidic soil in shaded or semi-shaded positions and sheltered from the wind. Pruning only consists of maintaining a natural shape after flowering. Beware of scale insects! Cornus shrubs can be used as standalone plants, hedges, or background plants in flower beds. Combine the Cornus controversa, florida, kousa and nuttallii with azaleas, pearl bushes and rhododendrons. The combination with evergreen species such as holly, bay laurel, choisya, nandina, camellia, enhances the flowering of these plants. Tip: In late summer, spread potassium sulfate at the base to promote and revive autumn coloring.

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