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Osteospermum seeds

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Called Osteospermum, Dimorphoteca, Cape daisy or Rain Daisy, these hardy South African perennials, sun-loving, flower for a long period, both in the ground and in pots. Their flowers resemble large compound daisies with a row of petals surrounding a yellow to brown centre. They close up if there is insufficient light. Often grown as annuals, these plants tolerate heat, sea spray, drought, and poor soils. Cape daisies belong to the Asteraceae family, and most Osteospermums cultivated in gardens are hybrids of uncertain origin. They are generally very robust plants, useful for ornamenting dry soil, terraces, and balconies. You will find a selection of seeds of the most beautiful varieties on these pages. They are sown in trays in early spring, from March to April.


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