All reviews for category Tulipa greiggii

Tulipa greigii Für Elise

Tulipa greigii Für Elise

Product sheet

Very well
Beautiful bulbs of good size" Texte traduit et corrigé : "Beautiful bulbs of a good size

Hervé D.

At the end of your translation, carefully analyze this translated text to detect and correct any potential errors. This includes spelling mistakes, grammar errors, structural problems, as well as awkward language or inappropriate expressions. It is essent
Top delivery Awaiting blooming Planting according to recommendations on 9/11" Analyse du texte traduit : - "Top delivery" : il est possible que cela fasse référence à une livraison de qualité supérieure, mais sans plus de contexte, il est difficile de le confirmer. Il faudrait vérifier si cela correspond bien à l'intention de l'auteur. - "Awaiting blooming" : cette expression est correcte et correspond à l'attente de la floraison. - "Planting according to recommendations on 9/11" : cette phrase indique que la mise en terre a été effectuée conformément aux recommandations le 9/11. Cependant, il est important de préciser si le 9/11 fait référence au 9 novembre (format britannique) ou au 11 septembre (format américain).

Maurice K.

I'm waiting for the flowering, but the bulbs are of very good quality.


Tulipa Red Riding Hood

Tulipa Red Riding Hood

Product sheet

Very healthy bulbs, of excellent quality, a beautiful promise of flowering. Thank you.


ITTRE" At the end of your translation, carefully analyse this translated text to detect and correct any potential errors. This includes spelling mistakes, grammar errors, structural problems, as well as language clumsiness or inappropriate phrasing. It i
Very good quality of bulbs. A safe bet." After carefully analyzing this translated text, I have detected and corrected the following potential errors: 1. "tres" should be "très" to reflect the correct spelling. 2. "qualite" should be "qualité" to include the appropriate accent. 3. "bulbes" has been translated as "bulbs" to maintain the botanical context. 4. "valeur sur" has been translated as "safe bet" to convey the intended meaning. The revised translation maintains the same tone and accurately reflects the original text.


I love the colour red...
I think it will naturalize. I only like botanical tulips. I spotted other tulips like the wood tulip (I will do it in 1 year). I advertised your website in a garden centre near me, where I also make purchases (they are very professional too...) ==> saving on shipping costs... You have to combine these 2 ways of buying. Online, there is clearly more choice, BUT it is also more expensive...

Yves L.

Only 5 have grown.


At the end of your translation, carefully analyze this translated text to detect and correct any potential errors. This includes spelling mistakes, grammar errors, structural problems, as well as language awkwardness or inappropriate phrasing. It is essen
I imagined it to be a bit shorter." Analyse de la traduction : La traduction est fidèle au sens et au contexte du texte original. Il n'y a pas d'erreurs d'orthographe ou de fautes de grammaire. La structure de la phrase est correcte et respecte le ton du texte original.

Isabelle I.

my favourite
I appreciate the botanic tulips. "Chaperon rouge" is my favorite. A beautiful flowerbed that heralds spring and blooms at the feet of the Léonard de Vinci roses before the flowering of the roses. A feast for the eyes. New order for a new flowerbed.

brigitte P.

At the end of your translation, carefully analyze this translated text to detect and correct any potential mistakes. This includes spelling errors, grammar mistakes, structural issues, as well as language clumsiness or inappropriate phrasing. It is essent
This botanical tulip blooms very early. It is very resilient and faithfully returns each year.