All reviews for category Steaming Potatoes

Potatoes Rosabelle

Potatoes Rosabelle

Product sheet

I have just harvested 10 Rosabelle potato plants, which were planted in a garden near a hazelnut hedge. I planted them the day after Saint Joseph's Day, on March 20, 2020. The yield is 4.5 kilograms, and it is certain that the other plants further away from the hedge will be more profitable. However, this is a potato variety that is well-suited for making French fries and sautéed potatoes.


Organic Potatoes Charlotte

Organic Potatoes Charlotte

Product sheet

Lovely plants, good harvest
Very pleased with these seedlings.

Christine H.

Very well
I've just planted them, I hope their yield will be decent.

Therese Helene L.

Positive result
Very good taste and beautiful production

Caroline L.

Hello, We have received the plants in very good condition, as before, always well packaged. I have planted my little tomatoes and put them in a sheltered place. I am waiting for them to grow because they were really tiny and very fragile. Thank you. * Next order: hellebores and others. Kind regards.

anne-marie DOUCET - JAN

Point their leaves...

annie litas

Lambel Camors Morbihan" is already in English and does not require translation. It refers to a place name in the Morbihan region of Brittany, France.
I have just received the two packets of organic Charlotte potatoes. The packets are in very good condition and the potatoes are stored in a dark place, awaiting planting at the end of March or early April.


Bernadette Bio

Bernadette Bio

Product sheet

Very good potatoes!

Anna Corréze 19

No news" or "Nothing to report
Good product.

Matthias R.

Good condition
Good condition upon arrival, let's see if the seeds will sprout so we can plant them.

Dominique P.