All reviews for category Fosteriana Tulips

Tulipa fosteriana Exotic Emperor

Tulipa fosteriana Exotic Emperor

Product sheet

At the end of your translation, carefully analyze this translated text to detect and correct any potential mistakes. This includes spelling errors, grammar mistakes, structural issues, as well as awkward language or inappropriate phrasing. It is crucial t
Planted in pots, they have bloomed very well in April at the same time as the muscaris (white and blue pot). Depending on the sunlight, they appear either more white or more cream. Revised text: Planted in pots, they have bloomed very well in April, at the same time as the muscaris (white and blue potted plants). Depending on the sunlight, they appear either more white or more cream.


THE RIVER OF BODIES" At the end of your translation, carefully analyze the translated text to detect and correct any potential mistakes. This includes spelling errors, grammar mistakes, structural issues, as well as language awkwardness or inappropriate
Delighted with the quality and duration of the flowering. Beautiful, sturdy stems, abundant foliage, and a stunning white flower with a yellow/green edge, which opens majestically as the sun moves across the sky. A daily delight. 100% of the Bulbs have bloomed." Analyse du texte traduit : - "Ravie" a été traduit par "Delighted". Cette traduction rend bien l'idée de satisfaction et de joie exprimée dans le texte original. - "Qualité" a été conservé tel quel, car il n'y a pas de terme plus spécifique en anglais britannique pour le remplacer. - "Durée de la floraison" a été traduit par "duration of the flowering". Cette traduction rend bien l'idée que le texte original exprime la satisfaction de la durée de la période de floraison. - "De belles tiges bien solides" a été traduit par "Beautiful, sturdy stems". Cette traduction rend bien l'idée de la solidité et de la beauté des tiges. - "Un feuillage ample" a été traduit par "abundant foliage". Cette traduction rend bien l'idée d'un feuillage abondant. - "Une très belle fleur blanche avec liseré jaune/vert" a été traduit par "a stunning white flower with a yellow/green edge". Cette traduction rend bien l'idée d'une fleur blanche avec un bord jaune/vert, en insistant sur sa beauté. - "Qui s'ouvre majestueusement au fil de la course du soleil" a été traduit par "which opens majestically as the sun moves across the sky". Cette traduction rend bien l'idée que la fleur s'ouvre progressivement en suivant le mouvement du soleil. - "Un ravissement quotidien" a été traduit par "A daily delight". Cette traduction rend bien l'idée que le texte original exprime le plaisir quotidien de contempler les fleurs. - "100% des Bulbes ont fleuri" a été traduit par "100% of the Bulbs have bloomed". Cette traduction rend bien l'idée que tous les bulbes ont produit des fleurs.


Saint Herblain
Last year, the flowering of these tulips didn't impress me. Only 6 out of 10 tulips had bloomed, but this year there are more than 4 flowers, and what a flower! A true beauty! Revision: Last year, the flowering of these tulips didn't enthuse me. Only 6 out of 10 tulips had bloomed, but this year there are more than 4 flowers, and what a flower! A true beauty!


ECKBOLSHEIM" At the end of your translation, carefully analyze this translated text to detect and correct any potential errors. This includes spelling mistakes, grammar errors, structural problems, as well as awkward language or inappropriate phrasing.
Impeccable packaging, bulbs that meet my expectations. I hope they will be as beautiful as in the picture. I can't wait for spring!


Beautiful, double with sturdy stems, has withstood the weather conditions, drought and late frost very well... I will leave it in the soil since voles don't have much access to this area." Analyse du texte traduit : - "double" : pas de faute. - "sturdy" : traduction correcte de "solide" en anglais britannique. - "withstood" : traduction correcte de "résisté" en anglais britannique. - "weather conditions" : traduction correcte de "intempéries" en anglais britannique. - "drought" : traduction correcte de "sécheresse" en anglais britannique. - "late frost" : traduction correcte de "gel tardif" en anglais britannique. - "leave it in the soil" : traduction correcte de "la laisser en terre" en anglais britannique. - "voles" : traduction correcte de "campagnols" en anglais britannique. - "don't have much access" : traduction correcte de "n'ont pas trop accès" en anglais britannique. - Pas de fautes d'orthographe, de grammaire ou de structure. - Pas de maladresses de langage ou de tournures inappropriées. - Le ton du texte est conservé.


At the end of your translation, carefully analyze this translated text to detect and correct any potential mistakes. This includes spelling errors, grammar mistakes, structural issues, as well as any language awkwardness or inappropriate phrasing. It is essential to keep in mind that the text should maintain the same tone throughout your revision. Your goal is to make the document linguistically correct. Text to translate: "Very beautiful white tulip starting to bloom (on April 9th)


Lovely tulip, both bright and with delicate colours (white tinged with a non-aggressive yellow and a very fresh pale green). Long flowering. A delight in my spring flowerbed. Analysis of the translated text: - The translation is accurate and maintains the original meaning of the text. - The use of "lovely" instead of "ravissante" captures the positive and beautiful aspect of the tulip. - "Both bright and with delicate colours" conveys the idea of the tulip being vibrant and having soft hues. - "White tinged with a non-aggressive yellow and a very fresh pale green" accurately describes the specific colours of the tulip. - "Long flowering" captures the idea that the tulip blooms for a significant period of time. - "A delight in my spring flowerbed" conveys the joy and satisfaction the tulip brings to the author's garden. Overall, the translated text effectively conveys the original message in British English.


LE PLESSIS TREVISE" At the end of your translation, carefully analyze this translated text to detect and correct any potential mistakes. This includes spelling errors, grammar mistakes, structural problems, as well as any awkward or inappropriate languag
Very beautiful white semi-double tulip It has grown and bloomed well year after year" Analysis of the translated text: - "refleurit" is translated as "has bloomed" to convey the idea of blooming again in subsequent years. - "d'une année sur l'autre" is translated as "year after year" to indicate the continuous blooming over multiple years. - The rest of the text is translated accurately without any errors or grammatical mistakes.


Received loud and clear, a stunning flowering.

Edyta M.

At the end of your translation, carefully analyze this translated text to detect and correct any potential mistakes. This includes spelling errors, grammar mistakes, structural problems, as well as awkward language or inappropriate phrasing. It is essential to keep in mind that the text should maintain the same tone throughout your revision. Your goal is to make the document linguistically correct. Translation of the text: "Disappointed, the photo does not match reality.

Denise M.