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All reviews for category Exotic shrubs

Gunnera manicata - Brazilian Giant-rhubarb

Gunnera manicata - Brazilian Giant-rhubarb

Product sheet

Received very quickly and in good condition. Meets my expectations. Thank you for the comprehensive information on your website, which was very helpful in avoiding following J.......D's misguided advice.

Françoise D.

Not received

Jean-François D.

beautiful plant :^not disappointed !

Sandie B.

Mint condition
Well done

Christian B.

Mind-blowing plant
Interesting for its impressive appearance in a partially shady corner of the garden.

Humbert D.

Hello, I have received my young plant, unfortunately, two leaves out of three have brown spots like they are burnt. I hope the next ones will be perfect.

Michel R.

South Centre-Beauce
Thank you, lovely young plant, in good shape and growing quickly. Question: can we plant it on a sloping ground (35-40° (95-104°F)) by the pond, and I think it's better to plant it on the dry part rather than the occasionally submerged part?


Young plant
The young plant arrived is very small. Planted immediately, we will have to be patient!

Claire J.

Overall, the young plant looks good. Covered with a mulch to withstand the winter period. Leaf regeneration; the plant is growing well.

fabien B.

young plant more than well
Extremely pleasant to receive a package of this quality Packaging of great security Rhubarb with several leaves Young plant of great freshness A big thank you to the whole team and for the availability on the phone

Nicole C.