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All reviews for category Plumbago - Dentelaire du Cap

Plumbago auriculata

Plumbago auriculata

Product sheet


Jean-Michel L.

I highly recommend this very professional website. Excellent phone support. Very good service.

Jean-Michel L.

Arrived dry, withered flowers, I had to prune it, disappointed! I don't think it will survive.

Catherine C.

Top-notch service!
Plant arrived on time, in perfect condition thanks to excellent packaging preserving its freshness. I am delighted with this purchase and eagerly await its blue blossoming...

Dominique D.

Plant arrived in excellent condition, like all the others! Now I'm eagerly awaiting the blooming!

FranÇois B.

Very nice plant, well packaged, with plenty of foliage. Only minor issue, the container was broken, but the rootball didn't move and the plant doesn't seem to have been affected. Overall, very satisfied with the order, thank you.

Loïc B.

Delivery in good condition
We'll see when it starts growing.

jose C.

Very well
Perfect condition upon delivery, good quality.

Francine E.

Nice appearance
Well-packaged plant, very leafy.

Catherine M.

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To be seen later, for the blooming.

Odile D.