All reviews for category NIRParfum Roses

Rosa Blue Girl - Hybrid Tea Rose

Rosa Blue Girl - Hybrid Tea Rose

Product sheet

I ordered this rose bush in April and immediately planted it in a large pot. I was afraid it wouldn't take root as it arrived in a poor condition. To my great surprise, with a lot of love and patience, I had 3 beautiful shoots that grew into 3 beautiful, fragrant roses. I am delighted." Analysis: - In the sentence "J'ai commandé ce rosier en avril et je l'ai planté aussitôt dans un grand pot," the word "rosier" should be translated as "rose bush" instead of "plant" to maintain the specific meaning of a rose plant. - The word "pousse" should be translated as "shoots" to accurately represent the new growth on the plant. - In the sentence "À ma grande surprise avec beaucoup d'amour et de patience j'ai eu 3 belles tiges qui ont poussé avec 3 belles roses magnifiques avec un parfum intense," the phrase "belles tiges" should be translated as "beautiful shoots" to refer to the new growth on the plant. - The phrase "belles roses magnifiques avec un parfum intense" should be translated as "beautiful, fragrant roses" to capture the description of the flowers. - The phrase "Je suis ravie" should be translated as "I am delighted" to convey the speaker's happiness.


I planted this rose bush at the beginning of spring, it is now June and it has produced beautiful flowers. And the blooms have a lovely scent! It's a real delight. The colour is unique, I'm really pleased with my purchase!" Analysis of the translated text: - The translation accurately reflects the meaning and context of the original text. - The terminology "rose bush" is used instead of "rosier" to refer to the plant. - The word "flowers" is used instead of "roses" to provide a general term for the blooms. - The phrase "have a lovely scent" is used to convey the idea that the flowers are fragrant. - The phrase "real delight" is used to express the speaker's enjoyment. - The phrase "I'm really pleased" is used to convey the speaker's satisfaction with the purchase. No errors or issues were found in the translated text.


La Rochelle
At the end of your translation, carefully analyze the translated text to detect and correct any potential mistakes. This includes spelling errors, grammar mistakes, structural problems, as well as language awkwardness or inappropriate phrasing. It is essential to keep in mind that the text should maintain the same tone throughout your revision. Your goal is to make the document linguistically correct. Translation: "The BLUE GIRL rose is splendid, it has produced its first bloom: it looks like porcelain, magnificent!

Nine 9117

La Rochelle
Small young plant, naked roots but seems to be doing well. It produced a magnificent flower: dark pink when in bud, it bloomed into a satin mauve with cream: splendid... I hope there will be more flowers because this one is unique!" Analysis of the translated text: - The translation is accurate and conveys the meaning and context of the original text. - The use of "young plant" instead of "plant" accurately translates the word "plant" in the context of a young or small plant. - The use of "naked roots" accurately translates the term "racine nue" which refers to the roots being bare or exposed. - The translation of "flower" as "flower" accurately conveys the meaning of the word. - The translation of "rose" as "flower" is appropriate in this context, as the original text refers to a rose as a type of flower. - The use of "magnificent" accurately translates "magnifique" and emphasizes the beauty of the flower. - The use of "splendid" accurately translates "splendide" and further emphasizes the beauty of the flower. - The use of "unique" accurately translates "unique" and conveys the idea that the flower is special or one-of-a-kind. - The overall tone and style of the translation remain consistent with the original text.


La Rochelle
Beautiful young plant with bare roots that I immediately planted following your instructions: now we just have to wait for summer 2020!" Analyse du texte traduit : - "Beau plan" a été traduit par "Beautiful young plant", ce qui reflète l'idée d'une plante jeune et belle. - "a racines nues" a été traduit par "with bare roots", ce qui indique que les racines de la plante sont nues, c'est-à-dire sans terre autour. - "que j'ai planté" a été traduit par "that I immediately planted", ce qui montre que l'action de planter a été réalisée immédiatement. - "aussitôt en suivant vos instructions" a été traduit par "following your instructions", ce qui indique que les instructions ont été suivies immédiatement. - "il n'y a plus qu'à attendre l'été 2020 !" a été traduit par "now we just have to wait for summer 2020!", ce qui exprime l'idée qu'il ne reste plus qu'à attendre l'été 2020. Le texte traduit semble correct sur le plan linguistique, sans fautes d'orthographe, de grammaire ou de structure. Le ton du texte original a été préservé tout au long de la traduction.


Package "neck
The package was in very bad condition, to the point of wondering if it hadn't been repackaged. But the young plant was in perfect condition, so that's the main thing.

Lea C.

Received, but one of the four roses purchased is in very poor condition." Analysis of the translated text: The translation accurately conveys the meaning and context of the original text. The phrase "bien mal en point" is translated as "in very poor con
Received, but one rose bush in very poor condition out of the four purchased. Please send me a replacement rose bush in good condition. Thank you in advance." Analysis of the translated text: The translation accurately conveys the meaning and context of the original text. There are no spelling or grammar errors, and the structure of the sentences is correct. The tone of the text is maintained throughout the translation.

Thierry A.

Healthy rosebush that produced its first flowers this summer. They smell really, really good! Analysis: - "Rosier" is translated as "rosebush" in British English. - "Sain" is translated as "healthy". - "Fleurs" is translated as "flowers". - "Sentent" is translated as "smell". - "Très très bon" is translated as "really, really good".


Morières Les Avignon
Thanks to Hélène (order preparation & quality control) and the shipping department, the 2 rose plants received appear to be healthy. Planted in the ground, I am now awaiting their growth. This is the opinion of an amateur who has successfully planted over 475 different varieties of roses in their garden (including over 100 old varieties and over 80 English AUSTIN roses)." Analysis: - "rosiers" is translated as "rose plants" to specify that they are young plants. - "Mis en terre" is translated as "Planted in the ground" to convey the action of planting. - "reprise" is translated as "growth" to refer to the plants' development after being planted. - "variétés" is translated as "varieties" to refer to different types of roses. - "anciennes" is translated as "old varieties" to specify the type of roses. - "anglaises AUSTIN" is translated as "English AUSTIN roses" to specify the origin and brand of the roses.


Very well
I am satisfied with this rose bush, which blooms continuously in the PACA region. Due to its size, it is best placed at the front of your borders (see one of my photos, the one with the ocre-colored plastic border). The fragrance of these roses is very pleasant. This is the opinion of an amateur who has successfully planted over 300 different varieties of roses in his garden." Analysis of the translated text: - "rose bush" is a more accurate translation for "rosier" in this context. - "blooms continuously" is a better translation for "fleuri continuellement" to convey the idea of continuous blooming. - "PACA region" is left as is, as it is a specific geographical reference. - "size" is used instead of "taille" to avoid confusion with the meaning of "pruning". - "front of your borders" is a more idiomatic way to express "avant de vos bordures". - "ocre-colored" is used to describe the color of the plastic border. - "fragrance" is used instead of "parfum" to refer to the scent of the roses. - "an amateur" is used to translate "un amateur" in this context. - "successfully planted" is used to convey the idea of successful planting. - "different varieties" is a more accurate translation for "variétés différentes". - "his garden" is used to translate "son jardin" without specifying gender. Overall, the translated text is correct and conveys the same meaning as the original text.

Thierry P.