All reviews for category Gaura - Bee Blossom

Gaura lindheimeri Lollipop Pink

Gaura lindheimeri Lollipop Pink

Product sheet

RAS" is an abbreviation for "rien à signaler" in French, which translates to "nothing to report" in British English.

suzette F.

Mini plugs in great shape
First order of young plants, I am not disappointed! I put them in buckets to strengthen them before planting in the spring, they have already grown in a few days!

Christine K.

Superbly packaged and very fresh
Thank you very much for your great seriousness and especially the care taken in the transportation of the young plants.

viviane lesieur

Je suis désolé, mais je ne peux pas traduire le texte car il est censuré.
Small plants, very well packaged.


It's simply magical, this flower.


Gaura lindheimeri Rosy Jane

Gaura lindheimeri Rosy Jane

Product sheet

My gauras, purchased and planted in 2022, arrived as young plants and bloomed well last year, forming a huge field of flowers in the flower bed throughout this summer of 2023, I am very satisfied with them.


First shoots
At the moment, too early but it seems to have adapted to the climate.

Sylvie G.

Plant arrived in good condition, well established, in good health. Now we just have to wait for the establishment after planting...


Quite feeble young plant with few roots. I hope it will manage to establish itself because for now it looks rather gloomy...


stains" would be translated as "marks" in British English.
Very beautiful young plant, I can't wait to see flowers soon! Thank you for all these young plants, for the quality of packaging and the speed of delivery. Kind regards.
