All reviews for category Amsonia

Amsonia orientalis

Amsonia orientalis

Product sheet

healthy young plant but slow establishment
3 young plants planted in different locations, they are healthy but have grown slowly due to the lack of water this summer, and there have been no flowers.

Hélène D.

No flowers.
It will probably take another year to discover the flowering of this young plant but it seems invincible in terms of resistance to summer drought.

Frédéric V.

Very pleased with this young plant that is not easily found. Very good establishment, the young plant is already forming a small bush, even though it was planted in a well-established plant bed and therefore in competition with its neighbours.

Stéfanie M.

No sign of growth!
I still don't see anything coming out of the ground...

Michèle L.

Amsonia tabernaemontana var. salicifolia

Amsonia tabernaemontana var. salicifolia

Product sheet

Another flower for my blue flowerbed... The young plant corresponds to the one shown and is growing well. I'm looking forward to its flowers eagerly...


Saint Privé" would be translated as "St. Privatus" in British English.
Complete the 4 young plants that I have in my garden. I hope they will form a beautiful field of blue sky.
