All reviews for category Organic Carrots

Carrot Nantes 3 - Ferme de Sainte Marthe seeds

Carrot Nantes 3 - Ferme de Sainte Marthe seeds

Product sheet

Upper Normandy
Disappointed with the tape packaging. Very few shoots of carrots have grown. I prefer to sow them myself, then thin them out if necessary. There is less wastage.


Radish and Carrot Mix (De 18 Jours, Nantes) - Ferme de Sainte Marthe seeds

Radish and Carrot Mix (De 18 Jours, Nantes) - Ferme de Sainte Marthe seeds

Product sheet

Waiting for the end of the cycle to make a comment

Gilles V.

Carrot Nantes 2 - Seed Tape

Carrot Nantes 2 - Seed Tape

Product sheet

Super Handy
For beginner gardeners, the tillers are a breeze to install - easy to sow in the soil.

Guillaume T.

Very handy!
I've been using these cil for several years. They're very easy to set up, with no thinning required, and provide abundant yield.

Michèle G.