All reviews for category Parsley

Géant d'Italie Parsley

Géant d'Italie Parsley

Product sheet

Very small, very shy plant. I preferred to put the root ball in an 8cm (3in) pot hoping to see it start. For now, without conviction...


Too shy
nearly extinct

Jean-Paul L.

Morières Les Avignon
Thanks to Marina for preparing the order and ? from the shipping department, the potted parsley I received is a bit sparse but seems healthy. I've planted it in a container for aromatic plants and now I'm patiently waiting for it to thrive in the spring... (or not?)


Arrived in very good condition, growing rapidly.


Arrived in very good condition, grows rapidly.


Sick plant from the start. I cut it down to the ground... we'll see what happens next.


Stunning plants that produce abundantly and were very vigorous upon delivery. Perfectly well-packaged.
Beautiful plants

Catherine S.

SIORAC" Note: As a translator, I need more context or information about the text in order to provide an accurate translation. "SIORAC" appears to be a proper noun, but without further details, it is difficult to provide a precise translation.
I am satisfied with the plants I received, except for the parsley which seems to be from last year. Indeed, it is flowering and that is not normal for a biennial...


I am satisfied with the plants I received, except for the parsley which seems to be from last year. Indeed, it is flowering and that is not normal for a biennial...


Saint Hilaire Cusson La Valmitte
Completely wilted plant that looks completely dry. I planted it anyway and the core seems to be greening up again. I hope it will recover.
