All reviews for category Sainte Marthe farm

Tomato Black Cherry Organic

Tomato Black Cherry Organic

Product sheet

A little marvel of indulgence, firm, juicy, just tangy enough. And even thrives in challenging conditions, like a vegetable container on an east-facing balcony.

Fanny A.

The sweetest cherry tomatoes I know.

Catherine F.

Tomato of exceptional quality flavor, colour, and flesh

Jean-Paul B.

Hello, Nothing to say about the delivery, but like with the previous order, I will give you feedback on the quality of the products. Regards, Bourgoin J.P.

Jean-Paul B.

Very well
Very well


Organic Tetra Gold Dill - Ferme de Sainte Marthe seeds

Organic Tetra Gold Dill - Ferme de Sainte Marthe seeds

Product sheet

I don't know yet if the seedlings will take.

Evelyne C.

Celery Peppermint Stick - Ferme de Sainte Marthe Seeds

Celery Peppermint Stick - Ferme de Sainte Marthe Seeds

Product sheet

Brossard, Quebec
Plants purchased in a garden centre. It will be a discovery for me. I had never heard or seen this type of celery before. Looking forward to seeing the result at the end of October, early November.


Burdock - Ferme de Sainte Marthe seeds

Burdock - Ferme de Sainte Marthe seeds

Product sheet

Seeds well received
I haven't sown them yet, but the Sainte Marthe seeds will most certainly grow.

Marie H.

Sowing done directly in open ground. Zero germination.

Etienne D.