All reviews for category Gladioli

Gladiolus primulinus Atom - Sword Lily

Gladiolus primulinus Atom - Sword Lily

Product sheet

Beautiful flowers and beautiful colour


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The bulbs are beautiful, but apparently for the flowers?!!! I can only tell you that maybe I had leaves from these bulbs...

Nathalie D.

Pretty flower and good durability

françoise L.

Very lovely
Those ones are healthy and have bloomed nicely.

françoise L.

beautiful bulbs
The bulbs are well formed. We'll see the result when they bloom.

Nathalie D.

Give it a go
This is a first for these gladioli. Lovely bulbs as well.

Candice C.

Alright then" or "Okay then
The bulbs are healthy, let's wait for the blooming.

marie T.

They're starting to come out!
Happy, the shoots are emerging, I am eager to uncover them.

chrystel bosse

Gladiolus callianthus - Abyssinian gladiolus

Gladiolus callianthus - Abyssinian gladiolus

Product sheet

The bulbs are in very good condition. I haven't planted them yet, but I had already planted some last year and they were very beautiful.


These beautiful flowers come back every year from late August. This year the flowers are starting to come out and it's early October. They are in pots, I wanted to protect them from the scorching sun of this summer and let them grow in the shade, maybe that's why they appeared late.
