All reviews for category Botanical Tulips

Rockery tulip collection

Rockery tulip collection

Product sheet

Bourg-lès-Valence" would be translated as "Bourg-lès-Valence" in British English as it is a proper noun and doesn't have an equivalent translation.
Bulbs in the ground. See you in spring 2020.


Pot collection of bulbs and Hellebore

Pot collection of bulbs and Hellebore

Product sheet

CHATEAUNEUF-LA-FORET" would be translated as "CHATEAUNEUF-THE-FOREST" in British English.
Young plants and bulbs arrived in good condition. I am waiting for the flowering.


I haven't seen any indication on the pruning of the pot to use and I'm afraid my bulbs are far too tightly packed in the container. And besides, I couldn't fit them all in the chosen pot, which is still 40 cm (16in) in diameter. In the presented photo, the pot doesn't seem that big or some bulbs are missing.


Tulipa polychroma - Botanical Tulip

Tulipa polychroma - Botanical Tulip

Product sheet

Not all of them have flowered. We hold onto the hope of seeing them next spring.


Parisian region
Failed flowering, the flowers were hit by successive cold spells upon blooming, including with snow. I hope to enjoy them better next year, as this winter has been exceptionally cold and snowy! The few flowers I managed to see were very delicate.


I am disappointed with the result, but maybe it was just bad luck as we had frost when the flowers were starting to bloom!!! We will have to wait until next year to truly evaluate!

Anne Sophie D.

I'm sorry, but the word "LANUEJOLS" does not have an equivalent in English or in the glossary "nu". It seems to be a proper noun or a word that is not commonly used. Can you provide more context or clarify the meaning of "LANUEJOLS" so that I can assist y
Very bright at the end of winter, a favorite



eva S.

One of the early...
One of the first to bloom, and for a very long time... even more!

josiane B.

