All reviews for category Photinias

Photinia serratifolia Pink Crispy

Photinia serratifolia Pink Crispy

Product sheet

Arrived 13 months ago. Settled to fill a gap in an evergreen hedge, so not ideal conditions. Has recovered well and grown significantly. Lovely foliage.

Marie V.

Nice colours but a rather small young plant. I hope it will quickly grow and fill out.


cezac" ne semble pas être un mot français. Veuillez vérifier l'orthographe et fournir plus de contexte si possible.
young plant completely repotted and roots exposed, I hope it will recover well, we'll see


It was a bit dried out when I received it (my order always takes a long time to arrive!) but now in a larger container it has come back to life and its colours are truly delightful in winter. It's a small but dense bush and very attractive. I recommend it for small gardens!


Ile-de-France" translates to "Island of France" in British English.
Very lovely young plant, with variegated foliage that is bright and even more interesting than other varieties of Photinia. I can't wait to discover the pink shoots.


Beautiful well-developed young plant, the foliage is nicely variegated, which contrasts with the red shoots, only small criticism, the foliar spot disease appeared very quickly even though this variety is supposed to be more resistant, so I had to treat it even before I had planted it. But otherwise the plant seems vigorous, and I recommend it.


It is superb.
It is magnificent and has doubled in height. I love its pink and white shoot, tender green and white afterwards.

Eliette S.

Neck really lovely, young plant in good health.


Morières Les Avignon" translates to "Morières Les Avignon" in British English. It is the name of a commune in the Vaucluse department in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region in southeastern France.
Thank you to Hélène (order preparation) and Josiane (shipping), the specific research area received seems healthy (untangling the root ball as the pot is really small). Planted in a rockery near a pink double-flowered Nerium oleander, a Rhus Typhina, and an Acacia retinodes. Now, I am waiting for its development...


Thoiry" would be translated as "Thoiry" in British English. It is a proper noun and does not require translation.
Young plant well received. Well packaged but I would have preferred it to be of a larger size, unfortunately unavailable, as I will have to be patient before it reaches a useful size to provide me with privacy.
