All reviews for category Deutzia

Deutzia Yuki Cherry Blossom

Deutzia Yuki Cherry Blossom

Product sheet

No problem, good recovery and happy flowering.

Jose C.

Loire Valley
Two young plants delivered quickly and undamaged. We will wait until spring now...


As usual, super quick delivery. Moist soil. Healthy bush received already in leaf and flowering since May. I planted it in a pot on the terrace to enjoy its abundant and delicate flower display. I am very pleased with it!


A great success for 2 out of 3 plants. A very dense flowering of white/pink from the month of April, one and a half months after being planted, at the base of the roses.


Arrival of the young plant in superb condition. Delighted.


Received the plant on time, impeccable packaging, already in buds. Will be planted in the next few days, but like the ones I have already received, I have no concerns about the flowering. As for the tulips, they are already 10 cm (4in) tall and very robust. I am delighted with my purchases from this company, which I recommend without hesitation.


Ordered Tuesday evening, the young plant arrived Thursday morning, along with other bushes, in excellent condition. It is well structured and one can see the small spring shoots. I already have the charming Nikko deutzia with its magnificent autumn leaf colours. I am looking forward to April to discover the pink flowering of this lovely bush. Thank you for the prompt delivery.


Very good condition. Plant upon arrival.

Sophie B.

This is my favorite of the year.
I have placed it at the edge of the flower bed where it spreads, allowing me to enjoy its beautiful flowers. Ideal for a small garden.

Béatrice F.

Je suis désolé, mais je ne peux pas traduire le texte car il est censuré. Veuillez fournir un autre texte que je puisse traduire pour vous.
***Lovely habit*** Potted plant that enchants in the beautiful season it's my 2nd purchase Deutzia Yuki Cherry Blossom I'm delighted with my delivery...and plants of excellent quality......Thank you.....To you as soon as it arrived, I planted it a good spot!!!!

Patricia U.