All reviews for category Glechoma

Glechoma hederacea Variegata - Variegated Ground Ivy

Glechoma hederacea Variegata - Variegated Ground Ivy

Product sheet

Glechoma hederacea Variegata - Variegated ground ivy
I have received all my orders of vine-plants that I planted as soon as I received them, in larger buckets with good compost, which I keep indoors in front of the window, waiting for them to grow before being replanted in the large balcony planters. Wait and see!

Monique S.

Thank you
Arrived in perfect condition.

Olivier C.

I have planted the shoots in the open ground, but so far nothing has taken... no new shoots, I am disappointed...

Ana B.

I'm waiting to see if they shoot.... they arrived a bit pale... Regards, Ana Bloom

Ana B.

Very well!
Beautiful young plants

celine moulard

Very well
Well packaged, correct packaging, beautiful young plant.

patrick burtin

Glechoma hederacea Dappled Light - Ground Ivy

Glechoma hederacea Dappled Light - Ground Ivy

Product sheet

Too difficult to pick up. I am disappointed.


Received 30 young plants at the end of March, very small. I transplanted them into an outdoor planter in mid-May, but by early August they are already between 1.50m (5ft) and 1.80m (6ft) tall. Those that are less covered by the other flowering plants in my planters form splendid spikes from the base! The only drawback of Glechoma is powdery mildew, so it needs to be treated from time to time to keep it in good shape.


the price does not justify sending a product in plug

Stéphane Blondy

Glechoma hederacea - Ground Ivy

Glechoma hederacea - Ground Ivy

Product sheet

I don't have that kind of soil in my garden at all. Most of them didn't come back.
