All reviews for category Viva magenta in the garden

Dianthus plumarius Scent First Sugar Plum

Dianthus plumarius Scent First Sugar Plum

Product sheet

Field of plants in beautiful condition, in buds and of a good pruning.


Morières Les Avignon" translates to "Morières Les Avignon" in British English.
Thanks to Ludivine (order preparation & quality control) and Mélina (shipping), the 2 "specific research area" look healthy. Planted close to other congeners...


Tiny naked young plant upon delivery, but no problem with establishment.

Christian V.

Heuchera Berry Smoothie

Heuchera Berry Smoothie

Product sheet

Very challenging recovery
tricky recovery

Estelle B.

I bought several vine-plants of different colours to create a nice gradient. Planted last autumn, they have taken well and grown into young plants during the winter. However, I am disappointed with the colour of the Berry Smoothy, which does not distinguish itself from the Amethyst or the Plum. At the moment, the photos are not accurate, unless the colour changes pendant the summer? Otherwise, I will have to redo my little bed of vine-plants.


AZAY SUR THOUET" would be translated as "AZAY SUR THOUET" in British English as it is a proper noun and does not require translation.
Beautiful water plan received late autumn, well thriving this spring.


Splendid colours
This Heuchera is magnificent, its colour brightens up my garden and I have already had plenty of flowers.

Christine C.

Very pretty young plant, easy to establish and magnificent colour.
Very pretty young plant, easy to establish and magnificent colour.

Nathalie A.

AIN" (Ain)
Very nice colour and has withstood the heat and drought (thanks to a few waterings).


Received as promised, beautiful young plant in very good condition, have a nice day to all of you and good luck for this summer at work.
