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All reviews for category Apple trees

Apple Tree Belle de Boskoop - Double U Shape

Apple Tree Belle de Boskoop - Double U Shape

Product sheet

Received the apple tree in good condition. Well done on the quality of the packaging! Looking forward to next year's apples. Thank you.


Continental climate (mountainous at an altitude of 1000 meters (3281 feet))
Apple tree carefully wrapped and in great condition. Hoping for fruits next year...

Marie Cécile

Arrived safely
We must wait until spring to see if the promise of flowers keeps its promise.

Christophe L.

Hello, since we have a small garden, I planted an espaliered apple tree in a fan shape 2 years ago. I can tell you that I am very satisfied, as it has already produced very beautiful juicy, tangy, and sweet fruits. Best regards.


U Shape Apple Tree Jonagold - Malus domestica

U Shape Apple Tree Jonagold - Malus domestica

Product sheet

Mont de Marsan, temperate zone
Your article is serious and interesting. You don't mention the scab that my tree had this summer. I would have liked to know what caused it and how to fight against this disease. Thank you.


A pommel tree pruned every year, '12,' planted in 2003 (it was already 3 years old).. This year, a beautiful and bountiful harvest of 42 kg; the best pick I have carefully gathered in boxes in my cellar in Falum de Touraine.


Apple Tree Reine des Reinettes - Malus domestica

Apple Tree Reine des Reinettes - Malus domestica

Product sheet

Waiting to see if it has recovered properly.
I have planted my apple tree along a wall in order to later train the branches. For now, it is too early to tell if it has taken well.


Apple Tree Golden Delicious - Malus domestica

Apple Tree Golden Delicious - Malus domestica

Product sheet

Beautiful tree
Arrived in good condition The tree appears healthy.

Marilyn Dubois

Apple Tree Belle de Boskoop - Malus domestica

Apple Tree Belle de Boskoop - Malus domestica

Product sheet

L'arbre a bien repris à la plantation et semble s'être bien enraciné.


High marne
Beau pommier, bien taillé bien formé, livraison état correct. Acheté en gobelet 10L. À voir la reprise
