All reviews for category Araujia

Araujia sericifera Alba

Araujia sericifera Alba

Product sheet

Delicious scent One must absolutely discover the arrangement inside the fruit


Araujia sericifera

Araujia sericifera

Product sheet

I completely agree with your response ... it's Araujia sericifera! I feel like you haven't read my question!! So why do you insist on calling it .......... Araujia sericofera? It's easy enough to replace 'co' with 'ci'!


Strange; you have noted in your catalogue; Araujia sericofera !! It must be the "Araujia sericifera Brot." I suppose! Because out of the 13 species of Araujia, I have never heard of this one!


IDF" stands for "Israel Defense Forces".
It is scandalous that you censor reviews and continue to market this invasive plant that is destructive to pollinators. When it comes to making (a small) profit, ecology is disregarded. The Friend of Gardens has published an article urging people not to buy this plant. Why do you persist in selling this calamity?


We should remove this plant from your catalogue, as it is a real trap for pollinators who die from exhaustion when trapped in the flower. Furthermore, it is an invasive species!


Disappointed by her as well
Very tall but withered plant, dry potting soil. I hope it will recover. Please refer to the email sent on the day of delivery.

Blanche M.

Robust plant
Plant well green and well developed. However, it had 15 cms cut off from the end of the main stem due to the fact that the shell supposed to protect it was open, probably due to rough handling during transportation. Nothing serious. Maybe secure the shell with a staple.

Patrice C.

St Chamas, Bouches-du-Rhône, on the shores of the Etang de Berre.
An incorrigible pest has naturally come into my garden, spreading everywhere and invading everything; difficult to eradicate, but pretty flowers, less pink than in the photo, and stunning fruits when they open up like wings, releasing their cursed silky seeds. Stay away from it!


Robust climbing
Plant arrived in good condition, has taken well and already grown new leaves...

Fanny Schmidt