All reviews for category Clematis Viticella

Clematis viticella Avant Garde - Italian Leather Flower

Clematis viticella Avant Garde - Italian Leather Flower

Product sheet

That one is impeccable, it grows well.

Olivier C.

Not yet bloomed... This clematis is languishing and very delicate....


Close to Lyon
Correct recovery but weak growth


Clematis The President

Clematis The President

Product sheet

Saint Jacques Des Blats" would be translated as "Saint Jacques Des Blats" in British English.
Very pretty please at my place - same plot as Rebecca, who doesn't like it...


Chevresis-Monceau (02)
Gorgeous clematis of a beautiful intense blue that has already unfurled its lovely flowers, climbing up the garden arch. I am delighted with my purchase.


LONS" does not have a specific meaning in French. It could be an acronym or an abbreviation that requires further context to provide an accurate translation. Please provide more information or context for a proper translation.
The plant is beautiful and in excellent condition, despite a problem with the delivery which was postponed two days in a row. Package received on Thursday instead of Tuesday as initially announced by Chronopost.


Very green and healthy plant despite the "chaotic" transport. The plant was completely uprooted in the cardboard box and placed upside down! This often happens with the Post! Planted immediately, it looks good and the little shoots are poking their noses out. I can't wait to see it grow and bloom.


The Thorn
Arrived in perfect condition, I am delighted with my purchase, it is performing very well and I am already enjoying its beautiful flowers. I bought the plant in February 2022. Thank you very much.


Continental temperate
Not yet planted as I have to take it by plane to Europe, but the buds are growing very well, a beautiful promise...


Clematis arrived in very good condition. Planted immediately. To be continued...
