All reviews for category Fallows and meadows in flower

Mix of flowers for blue bouquets Seeds - Packet 3 m2

Mix of flowers for blue bouquets Seeds - Packet 3 m2

Product sheet

multitude of flowers

Odile T.

Very well
Very pleased with the flowering.


Chambord Mix for beds - Packet 3 m2

Chambord Mix for beds - Packet 3 m2

Product sheet

Lovely flower bed, but it required a lot of watering!!!

Robert D.

Flower mix to support ladybirds

Flower mix to support ladybirds

Product sheet

Paris Basin
Sown directly into the ground on lightly prepared soil in March, the plants have grown well and produced their first flowers by the end of May. They are very beautiful, and I let them spread freely in the garden. They can grow quite tall, around 50-70cm (20-28in). There are blues, reds, yellows, flax, poppies, and more.


Well done
A continuous blooming from the beginning of spring until the first frosts. Pretty wildflowers with beautiful colours that hold up well in a bouquet.

Audrey B.

We'll see how it goes.

Claude M.

Flower mix to limit slugs

Flower mix to limit slugs

Product sheet

Val de Marne
Sown in anticipation of the outcome


Flower mix to control Colorado potato beetles

Flower mix to control Colorado potato beetles

Product sheet

Very disappointed... Absolutely nothing grew, despite the recommendations.


The plant had a hard time starting due to a lack of water.
Potato beetles zero - our gardening colleagues laughed at us when we sowed these plants, but now they're not laughing anymore. We are the only ones without any potato beetles in all of our potatoes because it's been over 20 years since they've been around.