All reviews for category Gladioli

Gladiolus Green Star - Sword Lily

Gladiolus Green Star - Sword Lily

Product sheet

Bulbs of a good size and in perfect condition. There is no doubt about the success of the upcoming plantings!


Very beautiful bulbs
These bulbs are a good size, I am looking forward to seeing them bloom.

Chrystèle B.

beautiful flowers
Good yield

Elisabeth M.

Small bulbs

pascal D.

The bulbs are fine, they are growing.

Marie Vion

Collection of 60 Pastel Gladioli

Collection of 60 Pastel Gladioli

Product sheet

Tb" doesn't have a direct translation in English. It could be an abbreviation for different words or phrases depending on the context. Could you please provide more information or clarify what "Tb" refers to?

Anne G.

The bousquet d'Orb 34260
Very beautiful bulbs, lovely pruning, let's eagerly await the flowers.


Collection of 60 Blue Gladioli

Collection of 60 Blue Gladioli

Product sheet

I only had leaves, no flowers.
Whilst the forgotten gladioli last year didn't bloom superbly due to the heatwave.

Aurore B.

Tb" is already in English and doesn't require translation. It stands for "terabyte," a unit of digital storage capacity.

Anne G.

The bousquet d'Orb 34260
Very nice onions, let's hope the colours will be as intense as in the pictures.
