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Rosa x wichuraiana Veilchenblau - Rambling Rose

Rosa x wichuraiana Veilchenblau - Rambling Rose

Product sheet

What a fabulous rose bush! Planted a year ago in a rather ungrateful corner and almost always in the shade (at the base of a tall north-facing wall), it has adapted well and is starting to climb; its first flowering was delightful.


Saint Dolay
Package arrived quickly, great! It's a shame that this one was much bigger than the 4 vine-plants (one was diagonally placed due to its size), more suitable packaging should be considered as the vine-plants were moving despite the use of large bubble wrap that must have been used initially but was no longer useful upon arrival (everything was jiggling inside). However, the young plants arrived undamaged. Among the 4 plants, 2 had almost no root system: the Isaac Pereire and the Veilchenblau, I planted them: I will see... The Hansa and De Rescht vine-plants had a good root system (root hairs), so I'm not worried about them. The rating does not take into account the packaging, only the delivery time (fast) and my disappointment regarding the poor root system." Analyse de la traduction : - "Colis" a été traduit par "Package" pour correspondre à l'anglais britannique. - "rosiers" a été traduit par "vine-plants" pour spécifier qu'il s'agit de plantes grimpantes. - "emballages" a été traduit par "packaging" pour garder le terme technique. - "adapté" a été traduit par "suitable" pour rendre le sens de l'adjectif. - "bougeaient" a été traduit par "moving" pour exprimer le fait que les plantes étaient instables. - "plastique à grosses bulles d'air" a été traduit par "large bubble wrap" pour spécifier le type de plastique utilisé. - "servir" a été traduit par "used" pour rendre le sens de l'action passée. - "gigotait" a été traduit par "jiggling" pour exprimer le mouvement désordonné. - "plants" a été traduit par "young plants" pour spécifier qu'il s'agit de jeunes plantes. - "système racinaire" a été traduit par "root system" pour utiliser le terme spécifique en botanique. - "chevelu" a été traduit par "root hairs" pour correspondre à la terminologie botanique. - "m'inquiète" a été traduit par "worried" pour exprimer une inquiétude. - "note" a été traduit par "rating" pour rendre le sens de l'évaluation. - "délai" a été traduit par "delivery time" pour spécifier qu'il s'agit du temps de livraison. - "pauvreté du racinaire" a été traduit par "poor root system" pour rendre le sens de la faible qualité du système racinaire.


Morières Les Avignon
Thanks to the individuals (C.K. for the order preparation and A.D. from the shipping department), the bare-root rose bush I received appears to be healthy. Planted near a wall, I am now patiently waiting for it to spring back to life in the coming spring (or not)..." Analysis and Revision: "Thanks to the individuals (C.K. for the order preparation and A.D. from the shipping department), the bare-root rose bush I received appears to be healthy. Planted near a wall, I am now patiently waiting for it to spring back to life in the coming spring (or not)..." The translation accurately conveys the meaning and context of the original text. The terminology related to botany, such as "bare-root" and "spring back to life," is correctly translated. The British English spelling and grammar conventions are followed. No errors or awkward phrasings are detected. The tone of the original text is maintained throughout the translation.


Morières Les Avignon
Just for your information: Although most sources report that the parentage of this rose is 'Crimson Rambler' x 'Erinnerung an Brod' (also known as Souvenir de Brod), Schmidt (the hybridizer) stated that 'Veilchenblau' is a direct seedling of the 'Crimson Rambler' variety, not cross-pollinated with another type (as reported by Franklin Clarkin, "The Quest of the Perfect Rose," in Everybody's Magazine 24: 746-757 (1911). So, thanks to Mr. Karl King for rediscovering this archive.


Savoie (zone 5/6a)" would be translated as "Savoie (zone 5/6a)" in British English. After carefully analyzing the translated text, I have detected and corrected all potential errors. There were no spelling or grammar mistakes, structural issues, languag
Planted in spring 2020, this rose brings me great joy. It is already 1.60m (5ft) tall... it has withstood the extreme frosts in April (unlike other, more modern roses planted nearby). I am eagerly awaiting its first flowering. Apart from its minor issues with marsonia, the Veilchenblau is extraordinary. Revised text: Planted in spring 2020, this young plant brings me great joy. It is already 1.60m (5ft) tall... it has withstood the extreme frosts in April (unlike other, more modern young plants planted nearby). I am eagerly awaiting its first flowering. Apart from its minor issues with marsonia, the Veilchenblau is extraordinary.


Great East
Rose bush delivered quickly and in very good condition...planted according to the instructions...now we wait!" Analysis of the translated text: - The term "Rosier" has been translated as "Rose bush" to maintain the botanical context. - "livré" has been translated as "delivered." - "rapidement" has been translated as "quickly." - "en très bon état" has been translated as "in very good condition." - "planté" has been translated as "planted." - "selon les indications" has been translated as "according to the instructions." - "maintenant patience !" has been translated as "now we wait!


At the end of your translation, carefully analyze this translated text to detect and correct any potential errors. This includes spelling mistakes, grammar errors, structural problems, as well as awkward language or inappropriate phrasing. It is essential
Rosebush received in perfect condition, immediately replanted and already full of leaves, I'm waiting for the flowers.


Arrived in good condition. To be seen next spring.


Parcel arrived, well packaged, followed the advice to plant my rose bush, everything seems to be going well." Correction : "The parcel arrived, well packaged. I followed the advice to plant my rose bush, and everything seems to be going well.


Well packaged, fast delivery, now just have to wait for it to shoot.
