All reviews for category Saxifraga

Saxifraga arendsii Peter Pan

Saxifraga arendsii Peter Pan

Product sheet

Price, delivery, packaging, quality...everything is there.

gilles N.

Field of plants having suffered +++ There are few green leaves left, I have replanted, wait and see.

Huguette C.

On the other hand, this batch of flowers has clearly suffered. I hope that with the nice weather, everything will recover well. Thank you.

Sylviane G.

Flowers too tightly packed in the packaging, quite a few stems broken...

Gael G.

Nice little bouquet with flowers from the first year.

Gaetan P.

I still haven't received my order.
Thank you for keeping me informed about the status of this order.

Dominique Z.

not satisfied
Nothing has sprouted yet despite the quick delivery as well as the planting.

Michèle A.

very well conditioned
lovely young plant

gil P.

Beautiful start...
But now, only the tip of the stems is green. The rest is brown, which is very unsightly... A shame, because the flowering is very pretty.

Blandine L.

Gone. I hope it will shoot again next year. I remain skeptical.

Alexandre C.