All reviews for category Hepatica

Hepatica nobilis

Hepatica nobilis

Product sheet

Very beautiful
in flower upon delivery, very beautiful. I hope for a good growth in well-drained limestone soil....

Christian B.

Impeccable" in English British would be translated as "Impeccable" as well.
Very beautiful young plant with a lovely bud for the future spring shoot.

Chantal O.

for now, we can't see it. Let's wait for spring. I already have 2 plants of this anemone, the foliage is always lovely and the flowers are charming.

Francoise Le berre

I have finally found a flower that my grandmother had in her garden.

ginette beranger

has not yet shown any shoots

laurence gaudin

Perfectly flowered beautiful success, if I may say without false modesty...

pierre bessot

Rare plant that disappeared from my garden after a month, I hope to find it again next spring.


The clumps were still small this year, but I was delighted to rediscover that intense blue that adorned my grandmother's garden.


Planted late, it hasn't flowered yet, but grouped with several others already in place, it will wait for spring.

Jean claude

Rare plant, finally found on the internet, on a website that I didn't know and trusted... And rightly so!!!
