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All reviews for category Miniature garden

Cyclamen persicum - Persian Cyclamen

Cyclamen persicum - Persian Cyclamen

Product sheet

A lovely bulb, another stunted one that hasn't produced anything. The prettiest one has sprouted a few leaves...

Anne-Marie F.

Morières Les Avignon
Thanks to Laetana for order preparation and quality control, and to Noëlla from the shipping department, the 5 bulbs I received are small but seem healthy. Planted near other varieties of cyclamens, I am now waiting for the spring growth (or not?)...


I can't say anything about it, there are still no visuals unfortunately!

Patrick G.

Very well.
Very well

Aimé F.

The 3 cyclamens have suffered a little.
leaves of the 3 a little wilted but should pull through

Monique H.

Bulbs in good condition

Patrick G.

Nothing to say, except that to my great shame, I don't know where I've installed it...

jean-louis lauzanne

Paris region
Let them settle in... to be enjoyed later.


bulbs (?) in good condition. Sometimes it's difficult to know which way to plant them!\nIt seems premature for me to judge the product.


Lysimachia nummularia Goldilocks - Creeping Jenny

Lysimachia nummularia Goldilocks - Creeping Jenny

Product sheet

Arrivées très bien emballées, 1 sur les 5 s'était cassée, mais je l'ai tout de même plantée, on verra bien ... Pour le moment, elles grossissent tranquillement bien à l'ombre dans un endroit humide du jardin..." "Arrived very well packaged, 1 out of the 5 had broken, but I still planted it, we'll see... For now, they are growing steadily well in the shade in a damp spot in the garden...
