All reviews for category Weigela

Weigela florida Pink Poppet

Weigela florida Pink Poppet

Product sheet

The young plant took on a beautiful appearance after rehydration.

lydia meden

Good condition upon delivery. I am looking forward to seeing it bloom.

christine robinot

Weigela Bristol Ruby

Weigela Bristol Ruby

Product sheet

Quelques leafs des young plants abimés. Ils ont du souffrir de la chaleur ou du voyage. J'espère qu'ils reprendront correctement.


Naked weigelia young plants arrived in perfect condition delivered earlier than expected. Well packaged, order tracking and delivery without any issues. Seriate professionals.


Hello, My naked-root weigela arrived today. After unpacking, I was surprised to see it all flattened and completely dry. I am very disappointed and skeptical about its recovery.. However, the rest of my order seems to be in good health.


Hérault" translates to "Herald" in British English.
I planted this Weigelia last autumn. It has thrived, blooming as early as the following spring and doesn't seem to suffer from the heat and drought of this summer 2022. It even blooms again in July!


Water received today, very well packaged and protected. However, the young plant is poor and dry, with the top of both branches closed on themselves. I seriously doubt its recovery as it lacks significant vigour. I planted a pink princess this week and it is in much better shape. It is straight and, as the saying goes, 'takes root on Saint Catherine's Day'. Let's hope that the adage holds true.


LOISY (54)" would be translated as "LOISY (54)" in British English.
Plant received quickly, very well conditioned, of beautiful pruning, perfectly corresponding to the description. Promise of flowers = promise kept. Thank you!


08200 ILLY" would be translated as "ILLY 08200" in British English.
Le spike est un peu abîmé mais dans l'ensemble c'est correct. Repiqué en suivant les recommandations, il ne reste plus qu'à patienter et surveiller sa reprise.


Bush received with all the branches broken. I had to do some pruning and I hope it will still be beautiful next year. Thanks to the deliverymen for treating our packages like footballs ????
