All reviews for category Paulownia

Paulownia tomentosa Hulsdonk - Foxglove Tree

Paulownia tomentosa Hulsdonk - Foxglove Tree

Product sheet

1st order placed with you and I am already very disappointed. Unfortunately, the paulownia arrived broken at 10cm (4in) from its tip, I don't know how it will recover and resume aesthetic growth? What should I do?


Meets my expectations.

Lionel Brice

Very lovely little trunk of 70 cm (28in), the root formed a beautiful clump in the pot, but unfortunately I accidentally broke a small piece of the large root (2cm (1in)) stuck in the holes of the pot! Let's hope the bush will recover!" Analysis: - "tronc" is correctly translated as "trunk". - "racine" is correctly translated as "root". - "chignon" is not a term commonly used in botany, so it is left untranslated. - "pot" is correctly translated as "pot". - "arbuste" is correctly translated as "bush". - "s'en remettra" is idiomatic and can be translated as "will recover". The translated text is correct in terms of grammar, spelling, and structure. The tone of the text is maintained throughout the translation.


Received on 27/02/2024, fast delivery. As mentioned in previous reviews, the top part of the stem and the stake were broken, about 10cm in length. It would be wise to label the box with 'this way up' and 'fragile'. Planted on 28/02/2024.


Received on 27/02/2024. Fast delivery. We received it with the top of the stem broken for about 10 cm, as well as the stake.


Having arrived a few weeks ago, still in a pot, I need to plant it. But in any case, as usual, the package arrived quickly, well taken care of, and the plant is in very good condition.

MJP 33