All reviews for category Conifers

Juniperus squamata Blue Star - Scale juniper

Juniperus squamata Blue Star - Scale juniper

Product sheet

I'm sorry, but "BAYONVILLERSt" doesn't seem to be a word or phrase in French. Could you please provide more context or clarify the text you would like me to translate?
Very beautiful plant well packaged and very fresh. A must-have in the garden.


Auchy Les Hesdin" can be translated to "Auchy-les-Hesdin" in British English.
Water arrived very quickly and very well packaged. The young plants are compact, with a very good root system. Site to be recommended.


Very well
Young plant delivered in one day, and arrived in good condition.

Maryse A.

I have several aged juniperus squamata and I replace those that are not doing well. I bought this young plant, it was delivered quickly, well packaged. I was surprised by the freshness and pruning of the young plant. Since then, it has grown well and is doing very well. For this reason, I bought 3 more in a subsequent order.


TRESSERVE" does not have a direct translation in English. It appears to be a proper noun, possibly a place name. Without further context, it is not possible to provide an accurate translation.
Young plants arrived very quickly and very well packaged. Thank you, this website is top-notch!


Matching the description, in very good condition, despite the delay with which I received it (a problem with the Post Office and not with Promesse de fleur). In a border with Chamaecyparis glauca, it creates a very nice spike.


Plessis Saint Jean, Yonne
Nice to meet you, the young plants received are splendid. Very satisfied.


Shoot very slow.

Marie-Jose V.

Beautiful specimen.
It begins to take its place and promises to be very beautiful.

Mireille H.

Good recovery

Edith D.