All reviews for category Oenothera - Evening Primrose

Oenothera fruticosa Sonnenwende - Evening Primrose

Oenothera fruticosa Sonnenwende - Evening Primrose

Product sheet


Margareth M.

Field of plants received in good condition.

Suzanne S.

Very well
Arrived unharmed. The roots are plentiful and strong. We are anticipating a successful recovery without any concerns! One small drawback: the packaging system for shipment is not very environmentally friendly (but it is efficient!)

Brigitte D.

Oenothera fruticosa Camel - Evening Primrose

Oenothera fruticosa Camel - Evening Primrose

Product sheet

Rapallo (GE)" would be translated as "Rapallo (GE)" in British English. It is a location name and does not require translation.
Young plants arrived in good condition but these Evening Primroses showed no vigour, despite suitable soil and location. Dead in winter.


Lovely foliage, very bright. Can't wait to see the flowers.


Beautiful foliage, very bright. Looking forward to seeing the flowers.


Oenothera fruticosa Michelle Ploeger - Evening Primrose

Oenothera fruticosa Michelle Ploeger - Evening Primrose

Product sheet

Superb seedlings, healthy plants. A packaging issue caused the young plant to wander inside the cardboard box, but without any damage.


Oenothera tetragona - Evening Primrose

Oenothera tetragona - Evening Primrose

Product sheet

Seyne-les-Alpes (04140)
What a bright yellow! I would have preferred taller young plants of Oenothera hookeri, but as I couldn't find any, I opted for these ones and they light up the border.


Oenothera speciosa - Evening Primrose

Oenothera speciosa - Evening Primrose

Product sheet

Planted in the spring with all the necessary care and regular watering, the young plant disappeared during the summer.


Very beautiful flowering for this second purchase. I adore this easy-to-care-for flower, single but elegant.
