All reviews for category Knautia

Knautia arvensis

Knautia arvensis

Product sheet

Brussels, Belgium
The flowering is much earlier than announced on the website. In my garden, which benefits from a warm microclimate (facing south, sheltered from the wind, and with sandy soil that drains well), the flowers appear as early as mid-April when spring is sunny and mild, or in May when spring is in line with seasonal norms. It blooms abundantly, and many pollinators seem to appreciate it. The only downside with this plant, and other species of the Knautia genus, is that it is very susceptible to powdery mildew. This doesn't seem to compromise its flowering or overall habit, but it makes it much less attractive as instead of having a beautiful fresh green color, I have foliage covered in a powdery white substance, which looks dirty. It's really a shame because it is an interesting plant both aesthetically and ecologically.


Bonneuil upon Marne
The plants are affected by powdery mildew and were in great need of being taken out of the pots. Planted in the sun, I am waiting for the shoots to grow.


Vigorous stump
The 3 young plants received look quite sturdy.

Marie H.

My vine-plant. It started well, bloomed and then withered away.
A promising start, with a beautiful growth, an initial flowering, and then it 'threw in the towel'. It dried up and withered away in early July. I don't know what happened; I will replant it in another spot in the garden, maybe it was too exposed to the sun.

Thierry M.

Very well.
About to flower.

Thierry R.

The North - Avesnois
Planted last autumn, very good establishment, beautiful green clump this spring. I'm keeping an eye out for slugs.


Good condition
Foliage in good condition, little can hope to grow after planting.


good adaptation
Arrived swiftly within 24 hours and set up according to your advice, it shows no reluctance to adjust and appears flourishing.

Roger Colin

For the moment, everything is going well.
For the moment, everything is going well.

Marie Cardinal

Knautia macedonica Thunder and Lightning

Knautia macedonica Thunder and Lightning

Product sheet

Excellent condition, young plant already well-developed, I'm really pleased. I can't wait for it to show me its first flowers.
