All reviews for category Ornamental grasses

Pennisetum alopecuroides Hameln - Chinese Fountain Grass

Pennisetum alopecuroides Hameln - Chinese Fountain Grass

Product sheet

Thank you for this birthday present.
We have planted these young plants by adding compost to our infertile soil, and since it is raining today, the rooting should be easy.

Jeannine Pierraccini

Earth divided
For the plants packaged in the transparent green cells, a large portion of the soil has spilled into the box. I believe the neck has been affected during transportation.

Sally Nathalie Piot

Imperata cylindrica Red Baron

Imperata cylindrica Red Baron

Product sheet

In the specific research area, out of the three young plants received, only one has successfully established itself, unlike the other two which appear to be growing much slower, despite identical growing conditions.

Gerbex J.

I had to buy a naked impérata cylindrica because unfortunately the heatwave got the better of one of my impérata cylindrica as it became completely dry during our absence in July, despite a friend regularly watering our garden. But for now, I have put it in a container, who knows, a miracle of next spring will revive the one that was dying.


Hello, just a note on the fact that you mention that the Imperata red baron has "fleurs" when they are actually non-existent!


I have indeed protected the 3 naked young plants received from the grasses, but the plants did not withstand the heatwave. What a catastrophe this year despite the care given to the field of plants!


Quite disappointed with the 2 young plants purchased: they are languishing despite regular watering in this heatwave context.


Plant received in November and immediately potted as a temporary measure before final installation in a mountainous area at the end of summer. Very good establishment.


Give it as frost-free, I will monitor it closely.


Arrived in good condition. For its first summer, I am not disappointed, it has grown a bit and it is a nice shade of red.
