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All reviews for category Chrysanthemum seeds

Chrysanthemum carinatum Rainbow - Tricolour Daisy

Chrysanthemum carinatum Rainbow - Tricolour Daisy

Product sheet

MOLIERES (24480)" would be translated as "MOLIERES (24480)" in British English as it is a place name and does not require translation.
Seeds sown upon receipt using the broadcasting method as indicated in the description. Waiting for them to take root and for the next colourful flowering.


MOLIERES (24480)" would be translated as "MOLIERES (24480)" in British English as it is a proper noun and does not require translation.
Seeds sown upon receipt directly on site along the edge of the terrace, scattered as indicated in the description. Waiting for establishment and the next colourful flowering.


Chrysanthemum carinatum - Painted Daisy Sunset Seeds

Chrysanthemum carinatum - Painted Daisy Sunset Seeds

Product sheet

Thank you.
Thank you for kindly sending me the seeds that I did not receive. Apart from powdery mildew on euphorbia polychroma purpurea, I am very happy with the various deliveries. Robust plants, good explanations.. To be continued..

anna nussac

Daisy Marguerite Snow Daisy Seeds - Chrysanthemum paludosum

Daisy Marguerite Snow Daisy Seeds - Chrysanthemum paludosum

Product sheet

Juste quelques paquets de seeds commandés et livrés à domicile en 24h par la poste. Tellement single de trouver son bonheur pour le jardin !

Martine J.

Golden Marguerite - Chrysanthemum segetum seeds

Golden Marguerite - Chrysanthemum segetum seeds

Product sheet

The result of sowing will occur in 2024.


Chrysanthemum Fanfare Improved F1 Seeds

Chrysanthemum Fanfare Improved F1 Seeds

Product sheet

F1 seed, thank you GMOs!! Non-reproducible and genetically engineered, it reeks of big big naturalness!!! Thanks for the publication.


I have received it!
Very well. Thank you!!

Vanessa B.

Slow shoot, quick death
After several months, the shoots had barely grown a few centimetres before dying due to excessive sunlight.

Louis G.

RAS" is an abbreviation for "Rien à signaler" in French, which translates to "Nothing to report" in British English.

Etienne L.