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All reviews for category Puya

Puya berteroniana

Puya berteroniana

Product sheet

Fantastic plant, larger than I expected, delivered very quickly. I am delighted.


Puya alpestris

Puya alpestris

Product sheet

Still me a few months later: big surprise, the puya has flowered (impossible to send you photos - error message) but obviously, after researching on the internet, it is a puya densiflora: long, curved, slender stem with green flowers instead of blue, arranged on the stem a bit like tuberoses. Still pretty, but I would have preferred to be able to admire these strange flower spikes that we can see in your photo.


Pleasantly surprised: upon receipt, it resembled a poorly conditioned greyish pampa herb shoot, but once freed from its bindings and rid of the cut lower leaves (dry, broken), it proves to be truly beautiful: light green foliage, with a shape resembling a water jet: my visitors notice it! Caution: the edges of the leaves have small prickly/sharp points that are only noticed when touched... Handle with gloves.
